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The Reagan's Bel Air Home


There is little doubt after the contents were packed up and sent to Christie's for auction, that the Reagan's Bel Air home at 668 Saint Cloud Road will likely be sold. We are going to guess it will go in an off market trade but to whom?

All our money is on Jerry Perenchio.......

Not only is the very private TV Billionaire already setting in the grand jewel of Bel Air, The Kirkeby Estate . The man has snapped up damn near everything around him. Jerry got so bored a few years ago he started buying up the other side of the road.

For those of us that are a little preoccupied with all things Bel Air. we are forever thankful to "Your Momma" over at Variety/Dirt. She is afflicted with the same obsession and drinks heavily with all the right people that are in the know of buying and selling in them there hills.

The Reagan home is one of the last tracks left that would finish out Mr. Perenchio's diabolical plan, to control most of lower Bel Air Road and Saint Cloud that frames out his fiefdom. If you look at the areal view of Mr. Perrenchio's estate (pictured below), the Reagan's home sits at the top right corner, just on the outside of the cement pond. It would be a perfect addition for a guest house or extended family home.

The Reagan's home is classic and understated, it was purchased for around 3m in the late 80's. At the time they moved in a neighbor was quoted by the "Paper of Record" as calling Reagan, the "Poorest Man In Bel Air". I bet the Former President got a chuckle out of that.

The Reagan's and Perrenchio's were reported to be close friends, so it is a fair bet there is already a connecting gate between the two properties.

This addition to the Perenchio Bel Air portfolio would add another 1.5 acres to the almost 13 acres and he will probably pay around 13m in some pocket change for it. Hopefully Your Momma will get us some Bel Air dirt soon.

Happy Brunch Day,


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